Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Design and Testing

Questions: 1. Design.Prior to commencing coding, you need to plan what youre going to code. Write an algorithm that describes how your program is going to work and how it links together.2. Testing.In your supplementary documentation, explain how you have tested your code and the results of your testing. This means writing down the inputs and actions which the marker should follow to reproduce the scenarios you used to check the program is working. Include screenshots demonstrating the results when you tested your code. Answers: 1. Design Algorithm: Flag = false Repeat Show menu Take choice Switch case Case one: Enter movies title Enter rating Enter duration Enter synopsis Enter release date Enter billed cast Enter director Enter genre Enter distributor Enter official website. Add movie to array Case two: Enter movie code While loop If movie exists in array Enter day Enter time Add schedule data into movie End while loop Case three: While loop Print movie detail End while loop Case four: Enter day While loop If selected day matches with day of movie array Enter day Enter time Add schedule data into movie End while loop Case five: Flag = true Exit from program END Switch case until flag = true 2. Testing Serial number Test data Reason of test Output expected Output actually observed 1 Select menu option 1 and input movie detail To test to add movie into array Program will run without error and add movie into array Program run and printed add movie into array 2 Select menu option 2 and enter schedule day and time To test to add schedule day and time into movie detail Program will add schedule day and time of movie. Program added schedule day and time of movie 3 Enter menu option 3 To test, program display all movie or not Program will display all movies. Program displayed all movies. 4 Select menu option 4 and Enter day To test all movie at selected day Program will display all movie of selected day Program displayed all movie of selected day 5 Select menu option 5 To test, program exits or not Program will exit Program exited

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