Friday, February 28, 2020

Asian Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Asian Popular Culture - Essay Example Therefore, it is important for HR management to be involved in organizational planning in order to identify the appropriate resources to attain the planned objectives. Secondly, organizations are able to craft effective and successful corporate strategies with the help of HR management. Effective corporate strategies can be formulated with the help of HR management because of several reasons. To start with, HR policies can easily achieve coordination flexibility where it is possible to make effective use of available resources by making necessary reallocation to keep up with the changing needs hence making it easy for an organization to attain desired objectives even in a changing environment. In addition, HR policies can help an organization to attain resource flexibility, which is essential for company success in the market particularly if product or service differentiation is the strategy of choice to compete in the market. Resource flexibility can be attained through cross-training, job rotation and team training, processes that can be effectively executed through HRM management. i. HR management can help to identify the correct type of employees in order for the organization to attain core objectives. For example, HR can help to acquire employees with minimal to average skills for companies that adopt Low-Cost-Provider Strategy or highly skilled employees for companies that adopt Differentiation Strategy in market competition. ii. HR management can initiate the correct procedures to select appropriate employees in different organizations. Recruitment costs should be kept at the lowest levels in companies in order to reduce the general expenditures. In this case, the HR is responsible for evaluating the cheapest avenues of sources employees with the required skills. For instance, the HR department can decide to advertise internally through a memo if an evaluation of existing employees indicates that

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