Friday, February 28, 2020

Asian Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Asian Popular Culture - Essay Example Therefore, it is important for HR management to be involved in organizational planning in order to identify the appropriate resources to attain the planned objectives. Secondly, organizations are able to craft effective and successful corporate strategies with the help of HR management. Effective corporate strategies can be formulated with the help of HR management because of several reasons. To start with, HR policies can easily achieve coordination flexibility where it is possible to make effective use of available resources by making necessary reallocation to keep up with the changing needs hence making it easy for an organization to attain desired objectives even in a changing environment. In addition, HR policies can help an organization to attain resource flexibility, which is essential for company success in the market particularly if product or service differentiation is the strategy of choice to compete in the market. Resource flexibility can be attained through cross-training, job rotation and team training, processes that can be effectively executed through HRM management. i. HR management can help to identify the correct type of employees in order for the organization to attain core objectives. For example, HR can help to acquire employees with minimal to average skills for companies that adopt Low-Cost-Provider Strategy or highly skilled employees for companies that adopt Differentiation Strategy in market competition. ii. HR management can initiate the correct procedures to select appropriate employees in different organizations. Recruitment costs should be kept at the lowest levels in companies in order to reduce the general expenditures. In this case, the HR is responsible for evaluating the cheapest avenues of sources employees with the required skills. For instance, the HR department can decide to advertise internally through a memo if an evaluation of existing employees indicates that

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Classroom management plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Classroom management plan - Essay Example Having the appropriate atmosphere for every student to study is the teacher’s main goal of enforcing best classroom management. Without the peaceful environment students will not be able to learn. Discipline Philosophy This season the district has incorporated classroom rules in all of the schools. As an observer during the first two days I learnt a lot that will assist me evaluate my philosophy for the teaching career a head. As a teacher I have placed a lot of emphasis in considering the values and beliefs concerning discipline and personal management style and the social objectives for the students.The objective is to arrange the logistic of the classroom so that the students in the classroom become student-centred instead of becoming teacher-centred. In order to be very organized the structure of the classroom need to vary, which allows change to be done to parts of the plan from one year to another (Elena et al, 2007 P. 64). One of the key rules is to show respect to ever ybody and accommodating their differences. Every student have his or her own way of learning, and creating an appreciation for those differences will be important in building a safe and peaceful classroom community.From the knowledge gained in classroom what as a teacher I view as main components classroom management plan have receive a great influence. I have view the two sides of the spectrum in ways of structure. A classroom was more structured with the structure dominating the classroom and studying was not going on. Another room was complete chaos and the instructor had lost control over his students, and he did not mind to come up with structure to improve their learning. The view of discipline in the classroom entails all of the skills an individual have had in various classroom setting. There must be a clear understanding of the structure by the teacher as well having valid concern entailing the well-being of the students. If a teacher can understand his individual values on classroom structure, he will create a very reliable management plan that he can use. The classroom experience changes the instructors way to the type of rules he chooses for the classroom. For instance, the teacher may think that one of the main rules, which cannot be negotiated, is for every student to be in school on time. The same teacher my later realize how problematic and narrow-minded the idea is when considering various schools. He can learn that such rule should not exist, as he would be putting students, most of whom have no means of controlling their morning arrival due to a guardian driver, at a disadvantage. In addition the teacher needs to be honest like the saying ‘Honest is the policy’. The instructor should become honest and show respect to those that are also honest. He should, therefore, make a classroom community where every student understands that becoming honest is the best (Sprick, 2010 P. 103). Moreover, they should learn that lying is not a me ans for escaping out of a problem of for getting a conflict resolved. Having this skills and expectation, the instructor will move into his classroom understanding the kind of person he his. He will also know how he will use his life experiences to assist him to be a guide for his students’ educational experience. Rules/Reward/Consequences Consequential management is an agreed measure in ensuring that students attain their set objectives. It is a positive measure as it serves to provide the student informed