Monday, December 30, 2019

Is Addiction A Powerful Force - 1548 Words

Addiction is a powerful force, that has the potential to worsen and even end lives. The complex interplay of biological, environmental, social, and behavioral factors puts addicted individuals at great personal risk. While opioid addiction has commonly been viewed as an urban issue, in recent years increasing attention has been paid to the foothold it has gained in rural America (U.S. DHHS, 2012). As rates of drug addiction rise throughout the Midwest and Ohio, rates of hospitalization and drug poisoning deaths also increase. While extant data does not elucidate a causal relationship between these variables, strong correlations are evident. Furthermore, the lack of information about this issue highlights the need for more accurate data†¦show more content†¦DHHS, 2012). Widespread opioid abuse is a relatively recent phenomenon, particularly for rural populations (Rudd et al., 2016; U.S. DHHS, 2012). Trends suggest that increases in drug abuse have led to increases in hospital izations related to drug poisoning, or overdoses (Rudd et al., 2016). Longitudinal data explicitly capturing the relationship between drug abuse and hospitalizations is scant, thereby highlighting the need for more accurate record-keeping; however, current data does suggest a need for more effective emergency responses for rural populations (Unick, Rosenblum, Ciccarone, 2013; Rudd et al., 2016). Background information about risk factors associated with the behavior When studying any public health phenomenon, it is imperative for researchers to examine the interplay between contextual facts that influences population health outcomes. Biological factors and early childhood events significantly influence adolescent behavior, at which point many young people begin experimenting with substance use. Research has identified that subpar prenatal neurological experiences and family history of substance abuse disorders are predictive of substance use in young adulthood (Bastra, Hadders-Algra, Ormel, Neeleman, 2004; Courtney Polich, 2009; Kreek, Nielsen, Butelman, LaForge, 2005; Malone et al., 2004). Further, association between parental substance abuse and substances abuseShow MoreRelatedAddiction : A Powerful Force1385 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Addiction is a powerful force. The complex interplay of biological, environmental, social, and behavioral factors puts addicted individuals at great personal risk. While addiction has traditionally been viewed as an urban issue, in recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the foothold opioids have gained in rural America (U.S. DHHS, 2012). As rates of drug addiction rise throughout the Midwest and Ohio, rates of hospitalization and drug poisoning deaths also increase. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Current Ethical Issue in Business - 1476 Words

Current Ethical Issue in Business Your Name Here PHL/323 Date Here Instructor’s Name Here Globally, Wal-Mart is the second largest revenue generating company. It is surprising to see so many discriminating issues within the company. Women working for the company are consistently treated unfairly, yet other issues exist. It is as if Wal-Mart has fallen into the negative economic routine. The company is guilty of everyday social discrimination; gender discrimination is just one main focus of our discussion. The affects of gender discrimination affect how women are treated, their income, and company policies. Women’s Rights have been an ongoing issue since the beginning†¦show more content†¦Ethics are present in households and in communities, which help individual’s decide what is right and wrong, and how to deal with situations. The same ethical standards that Americans expect from each other and that are taught to our children should not be left at the door when an employee punches in on the time clock. â€Å"Some companies are incorporating ethics into their training. It is a subject that can go hand-in-hand with business and when employees and CEOs alike understand what ethics are about, business can improve† (Curry, n.d.). Ethics and equality seem to work hand in hand with many people in the business world whom realize its importance. The major problem in the Wal-Mart class action lawsuit is that they failed to see the importance. The basis of the lawsuit is very simple, the women involved in this unsavory situation feel that their rights as individuals and employees have been violated. The discrimination at hand led them to be treated differently than their peers. The women involved in the discrimination lawsuit justly feel that they have the legal right to be treated the same as any other employee within the corporation. An organizations values, beliefs, and standards are manifested into its culture. The culture of an organization is what sets the tone for formal rules and norms of behavior (Trevino et a l, 2011). A cultural change is needed when there is a large disparity between a companys written policy and the way that dailyShow MoreRelatedCurrent Ethical Issues in Business Essay2863 Words   |  12 PagesCurrent Ethical Issue in Business Introduction Ethics and moral obligation are something that we all encounter at one time or another. Even in a professional setting, all persons should act in a manner that would uphold the good of society. Why is it that good, ethical and moral behavior is not always adhered to? Is it because some people do not understand ethics and what it means to be ethical? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Person I Admire Free Essays

THE PERSON I ADMIRE/THE INSIPER There are so many people who have changed so many lives in my community especially to the youth, but Mandla Ndlovu was born to save the community with his uniqueness to others. He gave up his high powered job just to make sure that his community is a better place for everyone. Mandla Ndlovu was born and raised in Estcourt, he was very popular in the community their say it takes the whole village to raise a child. We will write a custom essay sample on The Person I Admire or any similar topic only for you Order Now Everyone knew him at an early age and many parents wanted their children’s to be like him, because he was respecting and every Saturday he goes to clean the church than Sunday he goes to church. Unfortunately his mother was a drunker and he never knew who his father was. Normal he was used to look after himself and his mother when she was drunk, by the age of elven he was working in a super market part time just to make sure that he doesn’t go to bed with an empty stomach. He matriculated in 2001 and he got four distinctions, the municipality council arranged for him to further his studies in Mangosuthu University of technology . sadly his mother died when he was doing level three of his degree. In 2009 Mandla finished his law degree and he was desperate for a job, because he didn’t have much experience in the field so he was willing to do any job. His first client was his father but they both didn’t know that they are connected; luckily they won the case in court. Njabulo â€Å"Mandlas father† was more than satisfied, so he went to Mandlas home to thank him personally for job well done and to invite him to his daughter’s wedding. When he got there he saw a picture of Mandla and his mother, he asked Mandla about that women on the picture and he told him that it his late mother. Njabulo started trying and Mandla was confused; he asked what wrong, than he told him that he once dated Mandlas mother and they had a child together in 1983, the same year Mandla was born and his mother ran away with him. They found each other and they started building their relationship like father and sun. Njabulo was very old and he was a chief in the community, Mandla was his first born so he takes after his father’s chiefance. Mandla used his education and he made same changes in the community, even though he had to go against his father’s rules and the community supported him including his stepmother. Firstly he abolished that girls should leave and get married by the age of 15, that was his father’s rule. Secondly he saw a need of a library, so he approached ABSA bank for a contribution in building a library in my community and ABSA agreed, they take of everything. Thirdly he didn’t promote paranga so he chooses to lead by example and he had one wife, the other chiefs blamed him. He told them that he is the first chief with high powered qualifications. Fourthly every pension day he organizes transport to transport the pension receives to a receiving point and sometimes he uses his own car. Ever since Mandla became a chief he influenced the say that says education is the key to success to everyone, because his first priority was education. He normally invite motivational speaks ,like DR Gwala and MR Mvelase once in six months sometimes he’s the one who motivating the youth ,he once said that we all have the ability; the difference is how we use it and that Mountains but doubt can create them. These words motivated me as I’m here today and I’m not the only one. Lastly he asked the community to fund raise and he uses that to oblate students who don’t money to register at the high institution of education. Every time he come across the young ones playing, he will ask them their wishes and tell them that no one is given a wish without being given the power to make it come true. If it wasn’t for Mandla s intelligence my community would not be a better place as it is right now. Mandla will always be a hero to many for us and a role model to the generations to come. Leaders are born with leadership skills like Mandla he was a great leader. How to cite The Person I Admire, Papers The Person I Admire Free Essays Maria Corazon â€Å"Cory† Sumulong Cojuangco Aquino (January 25, 1933 – August 1, 2009) was the 11th President of the Philippines and the first woman to hold that office. Aquino was also the first popularly and democratically-elected female president and head of state in Asia. [1][2] She is best remembered for leading the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, which toppled the authoritarian regime of the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos and restored democracy in the Philippines. We will write a custom essay sample on The Person I Admire or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tita (Auntie) Cory†, as she is affectionately known, is considered and revered by many Filipinos as an icon of Democracy, and has been hailed by TIME Magazine as the â€Å"Saint of Democracy,† due to her well-known spiritual life and strong adherence to non-violence and democracy. A self-proclaimed â€Å"plain housewife†,[3] Aquino was married to Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. , the popular opposition leader and staunchest critic of then President Ferdinand Marcos. Senator Aquino was assassinated on August 21, 1983 upon returning to the Philippines after his exile in the United States. After her husband’s assassination, the widowed Aquino became the unwilling and reluctant leader of the opposition against the authoritarian rule of the Marcos regime. She united the fragmented opposition and strengthened its moral crusade against the abuses and excesses of President Marcos’ martial rule. In late 1985, when President Marcos called for a snap election, Cory Aquino was called upon by the people to challenge his regime. Reluctant at first, Aquino thrust herself into the political arena after one million signatures urging her to run for president were presented to her. Despite having no prior political experience, except being her husband Ninoy’s wife, Aquino proved to be a cult leader, inspiring orator and skilled campaigner. She ran for president with former senator Salvador Laurel as her vice-presidential running mate. When the Marcos allies-dominated Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Ferdinand Marcos The Great Hero as the winner in the 1986 snap elections, Aquino called for massive civil disobedience protests against him, declaring herself as having been cheated and as the real winner in the elections. Filipinos enthusiastically heeded her call and rallied behind her. These series of events eventually led to the ouster of Marcos from power grabbing and the installation of Aquino as president of the Philippines in February 1986, an event which is now known as the historic 1986 EDSA . How to cite The Person I Admire, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essay Paper For The Chocolate War Example For Students

Essay Paper For The Chocolate War The Chocolate WarThe Chocolate War is a book written by Robert Cormier. It is about a teenaged boy named Jerry and his life as an individual at an all boys catholic school called Trinity. Every year the school sells chocolates to raise money. Every student is meant to sell fifty boxes, and they all do, except for Jerry. Jerry was forced not to sell the chocolates for 10 days by the Vigils, a school gang. At first thats what he planned to do, but as the 10 days went on, Jerry started to feel control over his life and decided to continue not to sell. By doing so, Jerry disobeyed the Vigils and made them look like a bunch of fools. Jerry is a fourteen year old freshman at Trinity. He is 5?9 and 145 pounds. He plays football for the school team. His mother just recently died of cancer and he lives alone with his father. While dealing with his mothers death, Jerry felt that he had absolutely no power or control over his life, that is until he stood up to the Vigils by refusing to sell chocolates. Archie is a part of the Vigils. He plays the role of the assignor. For this job he has to select students and give them assignments. In this case, He assigned Jerry the duty of not selling chocolates for 10 days. Archie is a very powerful and manipulative person and he can turn someone against another in the blink of an eye; Just like when Jerry prolonged his assignment. In the following paragraphs, it will be showed how Archie turned Jerry from a hero, to an outcast and finally, to a victim. Jerry became a hero to all in Trinity. A hero by definition being a man or boy admired for his bravery, great deeds or noble qualities. In this case they looked up to him for his bravery to stand up to Brother Leon and refuse to sell the chocolates, something they all had wanted to do, but never had the guts. For example, in roll call on the first day of the chocolate sales Brother Leon went through each boys name and they were to answer yes or no. Yes meaning they would sell the chocolates and no meaning they wouldnt. Every single boy said yes, except for Jerry, he said no. Brother Leon didnt just let him be, he put pressure on him, tried to make him feel badly about not selling, tried to make him feel guilty. It didnt work though, Jerry stood his ground and stuck be his original answer, NO. At first Jerrys motif not to sell the chocolates was just the assignment given to him by the Vigils, but soon after, that changed. Jerry started to feel control over his life, he started to feel like an individual for once. He also had become recognized by the school as a rebel, and as a leader. For example, Jerry was on the bus and this person hes never talked to before sat down beside him and said, -?Hey, Renault, you got guts, know that ?Boy, you really let Leon that bastard have it. Beautiful.? People hed never talked to were looking up to him, he couldnt back down after ten days, nor did he want to, so he continued not to sell chocolates, even after his assignment was finished. Jerrys fame didnt last long after he disobeyed the Vigils, due to Archies ways, Jerry soon became an outcast. An Outcast by definition being a person or animal cast out from home and friends, friendless. When Jerry continued his refusal, he made a mockery of the Vigils, something no one else has ever done. He also unknowingly set the Vigils up for some trouble. The Vigils had made a deal with Brother Leon to support the chocolate sales, and with Jerry standing up for himself like that, things c ouldnt go on for the better. Other people were bound to follow in his footsteps and that wouldnt be a good thing. Archie had to come up with something quick, so he decided to take charge put Jerry on the spot. The Vigils somehow made chocolate selling the cool thing to do at school and that made Jerry look un-cool. The Vigils also started to sell chocolates and put the sales under other students names, until everyone had sold their fifty boxes except Jerry. The students stopped looking at Jerry as a hero, but more as a lazy guy who wouldnt do his part.. They started to get frustrated and mad at the fact that he wasnt doing his part to help the school. Teachers and students started to ignore Jerry. For example in class when a teacher would ask the class a question, Jerry would wave his hand like mad and the teacher would never call on him. The teacher wouldnt even look at him, just through him, as if he were a ghost. .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .postImageUrl , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:hover , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:visited , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:active { border:0!important; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:active , .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7a0d0ed2ab8293ffde9a0c0d9e7b52eb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Diary of A Teenage Girl. Becoming Me EssayAnother boy, Harold Darcy tried to put Jerry on the spot in class one day. For example, in class one day during roll call Darcy put up his hand, and when called upon said:-?Would you ask Jerry why he isnt selling the chocolates like everybody elseWhy do you want to know asked the teacherI figure its my right to know, the right of everybody to know.? He looked around the room for support. Someone called out, ?Right on!? Darcy said, ?Everybody is doing their part, why isnt RenaultWould you care to answer that, Renault Questioned the teacher. Jerry was left with all eyes on him, waiting for an answer. Soon enough the ignoring stopped and the brutality began, Jerry was no longer an outcast, he was now a victim. A victim by definition being a person or animal sacrificed, injured or destroyed. For instance, in football practice he would get tackled from behind when the play was over. When hed look around to see who had done it, there was no one to be seen. He suspected members from his own team were doing the hitting, but he wasnt sure. Also in the hallways, someone tried to push him down the stairs. Jerry was not only a victim of violence, he was also a victim of harassment. For example it was late at night, and the telephone rang. -Oh no he protested. Let me alone. The ringing continued, mocking him the way Janza had mocked him. Let it be, let it be, like the beetles sang. Still ringing. Jerry lifted himself from the bed, surprised at his mobility, and made his way to the living room phone. ?Hello.? Forcing strength into his voice. Silence. ?Im here.? He said, shouting the words. Silence again. Then the lewd chuckle. And the dial tone. Whenever hed be at home he would get disturbing prank phone calls like this one. Nothing was ever said, all there would be was laughter in the background, then the dial tone. Jerry got several of these phone calls through out the day and sometimes at night for quite a while. Jerry also became a victim of pure violence. He was lured into a trap by a boy from his school who was working for the Vigils, it turned out to be a raffle. This raffle wasnt just an ordinary raffle, it was an evil one. It was a fight controlled by crowd and what they had written on the raffle tickets. Anything goes, any type of punch. No blocking was allowed by the one getting hit, and the one who goes down or who forfeits first, loses. The crowd was wild, all they wanted to see was blood, Jerrys blood in particular. Jerry was definitely not the favored one in the ring, all raffle tickets seemed to be against Jerry. They punches flew, hitting Jerry who took it helplessly. Finally, a punch to the groin area was c alled, and Jerry blocked it, that is when Jerry took a beating. His opponent starting swinging and hitting Jerry, hard. -Horrified, The Goober counted the punches Janza was throwing at his helpless opponent. Fifteen, sixteen. He leaped to his feet. Stop it! Stop it! But nobody heard. His voice was lost in the thunder of screaming voices, voices calling for the kill?kill him, kill him. Goober watched helplessly as Jerry finally sank to the stage, bloody, opened mouth, sucking for air, eyes un-focused, flesh swollen. His body was poised for a moment like some wounded animal and then he collapsed like a hunk of meat cut loose from a butchers hook. And all the lights went out. The crowd then took off and Jerry had been left alone bleeding, suffering from possible internal injuries and a fractured jaw. He had definitely become a victim, he wondered if the cause was it worth it?As one may see from the details given above, standing up for oneself and being an individual isnt always an easy task. Turning from a hero to an outcast to a victim can happen in a blink of an eye or even faster as it did in Jerrys case. There are many obstacles that must be conquered to be an individual. In some cases the result will be satisfying, but in others, one may be left wondering if it was worth it. In the future one should be prepared for the consequences that may arise by standing up for oneself and take in to consideration the sacrifices that one must make. One should also decide if these sacrifices are worth it. BibliographyThe Chocolate War