Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Community Policing case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Policing case study - Essay Example The adjacent park may serve as a place for the gangs and drug related activity and cause additional disturbance of the residents. The problems concern all the residents of both multi-family dwellings and private owners of the one-family dwellings. Their cooperation with the police can provide effective and quick results, while it would be difficult to cope with the situation without the residents’ assistance. 1. It is preferable to appoint two line officers to the community. They are to be engaged in turn in foot and motor patrols around the district. Implementing each other, they will provide short response time in extreme situations. The typical duties of the police officers should be foot or motor patrols, visiting homes, making contacts, handling complaints, attendance of community meetings, organizing neighboring groups, checking and tagging the abandoned cars, visiting school area and working with teenagers and juveniles. 2. The officers of the local police department should be trained in community policing and be able to react quickly and in appropriate manner. It is possible to organize the hot line dealing with the community issues and providing quick response. 3. The police officers are to organize a number of community meetings and have a talk with all the residents of the area, to introduce themselves, acquaint the residents with the philosophy of community policing and offer the plan of actions. 4. It is necessary to organize the block clubs and the watch association, to appoint committees dealing with various issues. The functions of these community organizations will be to assist the police in solving day to day issues, as well as to set the drug and gang problems, to decide on funding and gather money from the residents, organize volunteer patrols about the area and in the park. The officers are to be catalysts in the formation of the neighborhood associations,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hong Kong Wealth Gap Essay Example for Free

Hong Kong Wealth Gap Essay According to the Development of the Human Race Report, which published in 2005, the wealth gap of Hong Kong is the widest within the thirty high living standard countries/regions. Local View The rich is getting richer, and the poor is getting poorer. For instance, in 2001, 10% of the highest income family in Hong Kong, their natural income still had 5% growth after the 97 Financial Storms. On the other hand, the natural income of 60% Hong Kong family kept decreasing at the same time. Sometime, the wealth gap problem is a type of circulation. For example, some poor is living in poverty life because he/she had low educational level and he/she now cannot afford the education fee for their children, when the children grow up, they will remain poor or even poorer. Yet out of Hong Kongs seven million residents, an estimated 1. 25 million people are living below the poverty line. You may ask what does the life of poor people look like. Well, nothing, they have nothing at all. Imagine you are living in a cage home, a flat which can only let you sit and sleep, everyday you eat pot noodles for every meal, wear the same clothes and use the same towel without cleaning, how dirty is it! Besides, when you go to the street, people stand back from you because you are so dirty. The adults may point at you and tell the children to study hard so that they dont need to live like you in the future. What is your feeling of these? Yes, it is another problem, discrimination. Poverty is the excuse of discrimination. People are not actually care about the feelings of poor people. Definition of poverty Poverty means going short materially, socially and emotionally. It means spending less on food, on heating, and on clothing than someone on an average income. Above all, poverty takes away the tools to build the blocks for the future your life chance. It steals away the opportunity to have a life unmarked by sickness, a decent education, secure home and a long retirement.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

James Baldwins Giovannis Room Essay -- James Baldwin Giovannis room

James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room James Baldwin’s novel Giovanni’s Room is titled such for the purpose of accentuating the symbolism of Giovanni’s room. Within the novel Giovanni’s room is portrayed with such characteristics as being Giovanni’s prison, symbolic of Giovanni’s life, holding the relationship between Giovanni and David, being a metaphor of homosexuality for David and being a tomb underwater. These different portrayals of Giovanni’s room are combined within the novel to create an overall negative metaphor of homosexuality as perpetuated by society. These different portrayals of Giovanni’s room are dirty, suffocating and restricting; Baldwin is showing the reader that homosexuality can be understood as all of these things, detrimental as they are. The novel is a reflection upon the common belief in society that homosexuality is unnatural and wrong, causing homosexual men to turn societal negativity into self hatred. One of the metaphors for Giovanni’s room is the parallel created linking his room to his jail cell. When Giovanni is in jail, David wonders about the jail cell he is in and says, â€Å"I wonder about the size of Giovanni’s cell. I wonder if it is bigger than his room† (113). In David’s thought he creates the definition of Giovanni’s room being a cell. The prison cell is close in size to his room, and it is also much like the room in that he is stuck there as a prisoner. Giovanni’s permanence in his room, as in the jail cell, is further exemplified when David is talking about the room; â€Å"I’m talking about that room, that hideous room. Why have you buried yourself there so long?† (117). David is directly comparing Giovanni’s room to a tomb, which, like a cell, is an imprisonment. David is say... ...rget it. This negative view of homosexuality is enforced by society, which David absorbs into himself. Through David and his perception of the many metaphors contained within Giovanni’s room, James Baldwin is showing a negative interpretation of homosexuality as identified in society. The metaphors within Giovanni’s room are Giovanni’s prison, symbolic of Giovanni’s life, holding the relationship between Giovanni and David, being a metaphor of homosexuality for David and being a tomb underwater. These metaphors are negative and exist to demonstrate to the reader that homosexuality is restricting, punishing, dirty and suffocating. These negative connotations of homosexuality are brought from society and internalized by the characters and builds into self hate. Works Cited: Baldwin, James, and Caryl Phillips. Giovanni's Room. London: Penguin, 2001. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Philosophy Essay -- Teaching Education Essays

My Philosophy A teacher plays a very important role in a child’s life, and that is the main reason I want to be a teacher. I want to be able to inspire, empower and help children to discover their unique learning ability, special interests and qualities. As a teacher I will be able to give students the gift of an education, which will help them advance as adults. I feel that there are many ways to go about teaching and managing a positive learning environment. I want to have a classroom in which students feel personally altered by their experience in my classroom. Progressivism is one major philosophical approach that I plan to use in my classroom, along with an assertive discipline approach. In my classroom I want students to accomplish new material, learn to overcome the subjects they struggle with and develop confidence in what they do. I hope to help students acquire more of themselves in their education and strengthen their qualities. I not only want them to succeed in subjects but also grow as individuals. I plan to use the progressivism approach in my classroom because I believe that hands on education in a very effective way of learning. It helps students to get a first hand experience to see and feel what it is they are learning. I also think that working with groups in their classroom is very beneficial to students. By interacting with their peers they will learn how to share their ideas, accept others points of view and learn how to develop relationships , which is a very important part of life that will help them to succeed in their careers. I hope that my students leave my class with lots of new information , positive attitudes about learning, co nfidence and an open mind. ... teaching and getting a better perceptive on children will make my life a fulfilled one because I will have been blessed by God in being part of a child’s life in a positive way. I want to continue to learn how to be an effective teacher and become an encouraging figure for a child’s life. Teaching is more than instructing or giving information to students. It is about empowering students, inspiring them to grow intellectually, giving them courage to be creative, expanding their curiosity and providing opportunities. As a teacher I will always be learning just as my students. I will listen to them and grow from experiences with them. Learning in a multifaceted process that is different with every individual. As a teacher I want to be able to attend to all my students ways of learning, therefore I will continue myself to learn and understand students.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Difference Between General Law and Special Law

Legal Notes Conflict between special and general law By Judge Gabriel T. Ingles Cebu Daily News First Posted 11:59:00 10/12/2007 Filed Under: Laws Reprint this articleSend as an e-mailPost a commentRelated ArticlesPelaez gets court reliefEsperon dares coup plotters: Tell truth in courtCalifornia bans smoking in cars with child passengers Also in this sectionGestaltwerte pa si PB Member TebanPartnership for better infrastructureWorthy TanodbayanJoavan’s comeuppanceBulls are backWhen deeds speakIn need of creativityHealing the waterLimiting, not eliminating fatNo idling ordinance a must Advertisement Vinzons-Chato vs. Fortune Tobacco Corporation, G. R. No. 141309, June 19, 2007 – A general statute is one which embraces a class of subjects or places and does not omit any subject or place naturally belonging to such class. A special statute, as the term is generally understood, is one which relates to particular persons or things of a class or to a particular portion or section of the state only. A general law and a special law on the same subject are statutes in pari materia and should, accordingly, be read together and harmonized, if possible, with a view to giving effect to both.The rule is that where there are two acts, one of which is special and particular and the other general which, if standing alone, would include the same matter and thus conflict with the special act, the special law must prevail since it evinces the legislative intent more clearly than that of a general statute and must not be taken as intended to affect the more particular and specific provisions of the earlier act, unless it is absolutely necessary so to construe it in order to give its words any meaning at all. The circumstance that the special law is passed before or after the general act does not change the principle.Where the special law is later, it will be regarded as an exception to, or a qualification of, the prior general act; and where the general act is later, the special statute will be construed as remaining an exception to its terms, unless repealed expressly or by necessary implicati on. 22 Thus, in City of Manila v. Teotico, the Court held that Article 2189 of the Civil Code which holds provinces, cities, and municipalities civilly liable for death or injuries by reason of defective conditions of roads and other public works, is a special provision and should prevail over Section 4 of Republic Act No. 09, the Charter of Manila, in determining the liability for defective street conditions. Under said Charter, the city shall not be held for damages or injuries arising from the failure of the local officials to enforce the provision of the charter, law, or ordinance, or from negligence while enforcing or attempting to enforce the same. As explained by the Court: Manila maintains that the former provision should prevail over the latter, because Republic Act 409 is a special law, intended exclusively for the City of Manila, whereas the Civil Code is a general law, applicable to the entire Philippines.The Court of Appeals, however, applied the Civil Code, and, we thi nk, correctly. It is true that, insofar as its territorial application is concerned, Republic Act No. 409 is a special law and the Civil Code a general legislation; but, as regards the subject matter of the provisions above quoted, Section 4 of Republic Act 409 establishes a general rule regulating the liability of the City of Manila for ? damages or injury to persons or property arising from the failure of? city officers ? to enforce the provisions of? said Act ? or any other law or ordinance, or from negligence? of the city ?Mayor, Municipal Board, or other officers while enforcing or attempting to enforce said provisions.? Upon the other hand, Article 2189 of the Civil Code constitutes a particular prescription making ? provinces, cities and municipalities . . . liable for damages for the death of, or injury suffered by, any person by reason? ? specifically ? ?of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other public works under their control or su pervision.? In other words, said section 4 refers to liability arising from negligence, in general, regardless of the object thereof, whereas Article 2189 governs liability due to ? efective streets,? in particular. Since the present action is based upon the alleged defective condition of a road, said Article 2189 is decisive thereon. In the case of Bagatsing v. Ramirez, the issue was which law should govern the publication of a tax ordinance, the City Charter of Manila, a special act which treats ordinances in general and which requires their publication before enactment and after 23 approval, or the Tax Code, a general law, which deals in particular with ? ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges,? nd which demands publication only after approval. In holding that it is the Tax Code which should prevail, the Court elucidated that: There is no question that the Revised Charter of the City of Manila is a special act since it relates only to the City of Manila, wher eas the Local Tax Code is a general law because it applies universally to all local governments. Blackstone defines general law as a universal rule affecting the entire community and special law as one relating to particular persons or things of a class.And the rule commonly said is that a prior special law is not ordinarily repealed by a subsequent general law. The fact that one is special and the other general creates a presumption that the special is to be considered as remaining an exception of the general, one as a general law of the land, the other as the law of a particular case. However, the rule readily yields to a situation where the special statute refers to a subject in general, which the general statute treats in particular. Th[is] exactly is the circumstance obtaining in the case at bar.Section 17 of the Revised Charter of the City of Manila speaks of ? ordinance? in general, i. e. , irrespective of the nature and scope thereof, whereas, Section 43 of the Local Tax Cod e relates to ? ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges? in particular. In regard, therefore, to ordinances in general, the Revised Charter of the City of Manila is doubtless dominant, but, that dominant force loses its continuity when it approaches the realm of ? ordinances levying or imposing taxes, fees or other charges? in particular. There, the Local Tax Code controls.Here, as always, a general provision must give way to a particular provision. Conflict Between Special and General Law Category: Persons and Family Relations Conflict Between Special and General Law What are the rules when a conflict arises between a special and a general law? 1. If the general law was enacted first, the special law is considered the exception to the general law. Therefore the general law remains a good law, and there is no repeal (Lichauco v. Apostol, 44 Phil 138), except insofar as the exception or special law is concerned.However if there are inconsistencies with the general law it is considered as a repeal to the general law. 2. If the special law was enacted first, both special law and general law are good laws unless: a. There is an express declaration to tho contrary. b. Or the is a clear , necessary and unreconcilable conflict (Cia General v. Coll. of Customs, 46 Phil. Cool c. Or unless the subsequent general law covers the whole subject and is clearly intended to replace the special law on the matter. (Joaquin v. Navarro, 81 Phil. 373)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

BillGates essays

BillGates essays William Henry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955. "Bill" was called "Trey" by his father, since "Trey" means three. Trey was always smart, and always loved even the earliest computers he could get his hands on. He went to a public school at first, and made a few friends there. He was pushing all the school had to offer to the limits, until his parents decided to send him to a private school. He at first didn't like the idea, but shortly after decided to go. The new school he went to, called "Mothers' Club," was where he got his hands on his first computer. The mothers decided to have a rummage sale. The proceeds were used to buy a computer terminal, and buy computer time for the students. Trey said he has always been grateful for the computer bought, especially in the '60s, since computers were such an unusual thing to get at that time. The All through his teens, Trey as "rebelling" against his mother. He did everything his own way. He was always ! hard to get alon g with, unless he had at least some control. That was, as I have read about him, the way his personality was. He went to a psychologist for a few years, because his mother refused to give in to Bill's "rebellion." The psychologist just insisted that she must give in, because he couldn't help it, that was just the way he was. Bill wrote his first computer program, a version of tic tac toe, when he was only 13 years old! The way it worked was where each time you made a move on the keyboard, the extremely loud printer came out with the results slowly after each move. Although a 5 minute tic tac toe game could take as long as 2 hours, the kids at school, including Bill and his best friend, Paul Allen, liked it anyway since it was so extraordinary to be using what they actually made themselves. Bill and Paul were always best friends, and they were both very interested in computers. Paul was about four years older than Bill. When Bill went to college, in Ha! rv ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The isms That Shape An Ethical Debate †Ethics Essay

The isms That Shape An Ethical Debate – Ethics Essay Free Online Research Papers The isms That Shape An Ethical Debate Ethics Essay Absolutism, relativism, and pluralism are all â€Å"ism†s that can contribute to an ethical debate. Absolutism refers to the concept that if some concept or argument can be applied in one case, then it is relevant for every single person in every single case forever. A simple example is lying; is lying ethical just because it can be considered ethical in some cases? Relativism is the idea that nothing can be absolute; each case must be considered in its own time, culture, and situation. There are many different kinds of relativists, as the text described, and relativists can differ even amongst themselves as to how to apply their principle. Pluralism is the notion that because we live in such a diverse world, we must consider many different views on a matter before deciding a case, and we must take into account the equality of each point of view. The role of language is important in ethical reasoning. As we saw in reading the news story about the woman who attempted to kill her terminally ill son, language can have an effect on ethical arguments through bias. Depending on how you state a case, you could be swaying an undecided person to your point of view if you emphasize certain issues and not others. This is especially true in euthanasia cases; by emphasizing the torture the patient is going through, or the supremacy of individual choice, one can present this as a cut-and-dry ethical case to someone who did not have all the facts. The greatest happiness principle is one defined by John Stuart Mill in order to support his theory of utilitarianism. This principle states that we ought to make decisions whose outcomes will produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number of people. The problem with this principle is that it does not take into account the weakest members of society or the minority in society, which could include up to 49.9 % of the population. Rachels argued that he would rather be a dissatisfied human than a satisfied pig in order to combat utilitarianism. He meant that pleasure is not necessarily the best basis for ethical arguments in determining what is right, because whatever produces the most pleasure or happiness may not be the best choice in a matter. He felt that by basing ethics on pleasure, human beings would bring themselves down to the level of animals and lose their inherent intellectual superiority. Kant’s universalization rule states that whatever is right in one situation ought to pertain to everyone else is that exact situation forever more. If I argue that I slept through a Core midterm because I was up late the night before studying and should be allowed to take it later, then every other person who sleeps too late because they were up late studying also ought to be allowed to take the exam later. This is a little different from absolutism because it takes into account the individual situation and circumstances. Kant’s motive of duty is based on the idea that we ought to act out of a sense of duty rather than out of selfish motivations. Duty is defined as that which we ought to do based not only on our own inclinations but also on what is best for society as we have understood it. He wants us to act ethically out of our own volition, but he also believes that we have an obligation to act morally; hence, the term duty. Aristotle believed that virtue is a mean between two extremes, between excess and deficiency. He thought that we should act not out of rashness, but also not overthink things to the point where we do not act. Virtue is defined by him as the middle ground between the two extremes in a reaction to something, whether emotional or an action. Only by rational thought can we arrive at such a conclusion, according to him. Habits are those automatic actions that Aristotle believed we would develop from both watching others perform them and from intuition. Habits are to be taught by example by virtuous teachers and ought to be ingrained by nature. These habits are the good habits of character; they both define you as a good person and make you a good person. Rawls’s veil of ignorance is what you put on when you are making an ethical judgment. This veil is designed to blind you to what you can gain or lose by a judgment, and to make you ignorant of your place in the argument. By using this veil of ignorance, one can, according to Rawls, make the most ethical decision because one will no longer be motivated by what one can gain or lose; it is also important to note that with a veil of ignorance, one forgets other people’s places in society and what they can gain or lose. Thus, it is the most equal and impartial method of making an ethical judgment. Rawls’s original position theory is based on how people behaved before society imposed its inequities and prejudices on humans. It states that when faced with an ethical dilemma, we ought to remove ourselves from society and put ourselves back in that state of nature in which we were all equal, without social standing or consequence, and without considerations of money and other modern inconveniences. This theory ties in with his veil of ignorance to make decisions based on the most impartial method possible. II. 1. Purpose: To determine whether Claire Conroy should be taken off her feeding tube and allowed to die. 2. Key ethical question: Is it ethical to allow a person who is not in a persistent vegetative state but who is clearly not living a good life to die through passive euthanasia? 3. The facts: Claire is older, and she is not living a healthy, comfortable life as far as we know how life is for people in such states. She is not n a persistent vegetative state, but neither is she able to interact fully with those around her. Her nephew, who is her legal guardian, visits her regularly. He requested that she be taken off the feeding tube and allowed to die. What we don’t know: What are the motives for the nephew’s decision? Does she have money that he wants, or is he truly acting on her best interest? How did he become her legal guardian? Did she appoint him as such? Does she have a living will or some other statement saying her wishes in such a case? 4. Rawls would want more information in this matter, because in his view, the most important piece of information is missing, which is Claire’s wishes because she is the weakest member of this argument. He would want to know whether Claire had ever stated her feelings in the matter, and he would want to know what those feelings were. Barring this knowledge, he would probably argue that she be kept alive in the absence of knowing her wishes. Mill would argue from the utilitarian standpoint that it would be best for all those involved to take out the feeding tube because it would reduce her suffering, her nephew’s suffering, and relieve the stress of medical payments on her nephew. Kant would want more information as well, arguing that we do not know the intentions of the nephew; are his intentions good? Does he really have Claire’s best interests at heart, or are his best interests the deciding factor? And even if the nephew does have good intentions, is it right to let Claire die? Shouldn’t we preserve life at all costs, because that is the ultimate preservation of dignity? Also, what is her quality of life? And how much longer do the doctors believe she will live in such a state? 5. My first response would be to let Claire die with as little pain as possible. I am sure that seeing her in such a state for some time would have a great effect on her nephew, and I would agree with the nephew to let her go. I believe that the relieving of suffering is probably the most important point from which to view this matter. Claire’s life is not one that I can imagine is very fulfilling or happy. Whether she is fully aware or not that her nephew visits her regularly, is this enough to sustain her? While I do not necessarily believe in Hardwig’s Duty to Die, I do believe that in cases like this, it is ethical to make a decision to let someone die, although I agree with Quill’s thoughts that sometimes passive euthanasia is not necessarily the most humane; sometimes active euthanasia is necessary to relieve pain and to let someone die with dignity. Which would cause her the most pain, to live with a feeding tube and in such pain, or to die from star vation? I basically believe that euthanasia is ethically acceptable. 6. This sounds a lot like Debbie’s case from the text to me. Her personal choice was not necessarily known, since â€Å"Let’s get this over with† is debatable in its meaning. And while she was also in an obviously painful state, as Claire is now in terms of both physical pain from the incontinence and the fact that she is constantly curled up in the fetal position and mental anguish from the dementia, it is not clear whether she wanted to go naturally or immediately. Also, the doctor’s attitude towards Debbie is unclear, just as Claire’s nephew’s attitude towards her is unclear. We do not know for sure whether that doctor just wanted to go back to sleep, or whether the nephew just wants to go back to a normal life. Furthermore, this sounds like a case where Hardwig would argue that Claire has a duty to die; she is causing her nephew money and emotional pain. But does she really have that duty to die? I do not believe so. Her nephew mu st do what is best for her; thus I agree with Rawls’s position on this issue. What do the doctors think? Have they given her a prognosis? How much longer can she survive in such a state? Do they have an idea of what pain she is in? After knowing this, perhaps a decision could be arrived at more easily. I cannot imagine that the nurses are very happy with her situation; they are the ones that see her every day in this state, and that must be very hard emotionally to deal with. It seems that most of these points of view point to letting her go. 7. The most reasonable answer to Claire’s dilemma would be to take her off the feeding tube. It is more humane to let her die than to keep her alive in such an undignified and uncomfortable life. Although I believe it would be preferable to do what Debbie’s doctor did and provide Claire with enough medication to ease the pain and to effectively kill her than to make her suffer more through starvation, this is not necessarily allowed today. Keeping her alive would only prolong her suffering, something that I believe all parties involved would want to avoid. 8. If taken off the tube, Claire will die. She may take a few days to do so, as Teri Schiavo did, but at least that will end her pain and confusion and suffering. Her nephew will be able to move on with his life, and while depending on his beliefs he may have a pang of conscience when he thinks of his aunt, at least he can know that he shortened her pain. The nurses and doctors can know that they did not kill her, and that they were only following Claire’s legal guardian’s orders; thus they cannot be held responsible for their actions (logically speaking; of course, some may). And that opens up another room in a nursing home that may have a waiting list for people who need that care. In all, it seems that the most suffering is Claire’s, and that through passive euthanasia, that suffering can be shortened enough to warrant removing the feeding tube. Research Papers on The "ism"s That Shape An Ethical Debate - Ethics EssayArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Capital Punishment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringResearch Process Part OneThe Fifth Horseman

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Domestic Drugstore essay

buy custom Domestic Drugstore essay Walgreens Pharmacy is a domestic drugstore in the United States that has withstood numerous challenges to be where it is today. This paper will identify these strategies in addition to outlining the impact of economic trends, such as recession on Walgreens Pharmacy. Other areas that will be researched include the role played by human resource department towards attainment of company goals. Consequently, recommendations will be given on other strategic tactics that could be advantageous to Walgreens towards achievement of its objectives. Walgreens Pharmacy as a leading drugstore has adapted several strategic measures that have enabled it to sustain its business activities amid the ever changing global markets. Strategic Changes at Walgreens Pharmacy Over the years, Walgreens Pharmacy Walgreens Pharmacy was run by family members who had been mentored by their predecessors. However, since 1995, when Kevin Walgreen was made Vice President of the firm, there has been no other Walgreen holding a top position at Walgreens Pharmacy. This move was made after the massive loss of stock, when Charles Walgreen Jr was the then chief executive officer. Consequently, over the years, the chief executives have been hired from other places, so that competence and thorough knowledge of the industry have been paramount to make one eligible for the position (Bacon, 2004). Similarly, Walgreens Pharmacy adapted the best practices culture, where constant mentoring of junior employees is undertaken persistently by seniors or those in top positions. This is the reason behind the current success of the firm as newly employed senior employees under the tutelage of their supervisors have been availed with adequate hands-on-skills regarding Walgreens Pharmacy activities. This strategic initiative has enhanced service delivery as well as allowed Walgreens Pharmacy to achieve its objectives as incoming leaders have to meet the high targets set by their predecessors (Bacon, 2004). Consequently, having all of Walgreens Pharmacy an activity being managed by a single headquarters is a strategy that has brought about uniformity in service delivery. This is in line with the managerial aspect of specialization, as each unit specializes in areas that are relevant to customers in the area. For instance, Walgreens Pharmacy units in town centers are housed together with snack restaurants, so as to satisfy two consumer needs at a go. This strategy also paves way for underperforming units to be boosted by the most productive ones hence minimizing any occurrence of a drugstore collapsing (Bacon, 2004). The other strategic initiative at Walgreens Pharmacy regarding operational activities is concerned with location of its drugstores in the country. As was noted earlier on in the strengths of Walgreens Pharmacy, location of a business enterprise is vital towards attainment of objectives. Based on this, the corner stores are a favorite for a huge number of customers in the vicinity. This is because of increased accessibility in addition to close proximity to the workplace hence a customer does not have to spend a lot of time tracking down the store (Bacon, 2004). Similarly, based on trial and success, Walgreens Pharmacy discovered that combining pharmaceutics and other fast moving consumer goods, would do more good towards boosting the sales of drugs. For instance, partnering with some fast food firms so as to sell snacks and drugs under the same roof was strategic, as most drugs require the patient to eat first. This was consumers could take their medication in the store while at the same time get time to rest before moving on hence providing adequate facilities to enhance consumer well being. Another operational strategy is based on the Walgreens wellness program that entails educating the public as well as customers on the essence of being well so as to reduce consumption of drugs being in the same roof as grocery stores. These grocery stores often stock organic edibles, so that consumers are given advice on healthy living, which entails consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to cut down on diet related ailments. This was a strategy that has enabled Walgreens Pharmacy to obtain a competitive advantage over its rivals who apparently never saw that opportunity (Bacon, 2004). Impact of Recent Economic Trends on Walgreens Pharmacy The most recent economic trend in the United States is increased unemployment that has seen many readwinners being jobless hence meeting the cost of medication that has had a major toll on them. This has also hit Walgreens Pharmacy and it had to work on its prices, so as to cater for the retrenched as well as the low income earners. A larger population of the unemployed is the young who would benefit from the Walgreens wellness programs yet they cannot afford it. Therefore, most of the present customers at Walgreens Pharmacy are the elderly and those in midlife who are educated hence able to earn reasonable incomes that can enable them access healthcare services (Krugman, 2009). The recent economic trends are characterized by high levels of inflation and economic recessions, which have resulted in introduction of numerous generic drugs that are sold off cheaply. Generic drugs are as effective as the original ones hence making them a favorite alternative for customers especially due to the lower cost. Walgreens Pharmacy could introduce low costing drugs or offer them at subsidized prices to customers so as to discourage them from choosing the cheaper generics. Walgreens Pharmacy has laid out strategies to prevent the negative impacts of recent economic trends from ruining its operations. One such strategy is through introduction of comprehensive services at subsidized costs so that customers can access drugs, healthcare and health education all from Walgreens Pharmacy (Krugman, 2009). This is important as it reduces the costs of seeing healthcare facilities from various firms, when one requires their help. Similarly, increased fuel prices have impacted Walgreens Pharmacy negatively as it used to rely on electricity for most of its major manufacturing activities. This had to change, as the firm is working towards making use of solar energy made available by the firm hence cutting down on operational costs. By using solar energy to run its operations, Walgreens Pharmacy is not only cutting down costs, but also utilizing environmental friendly energy sources, which are non-polluting. Consequently, the use of biofuels could also act as a way of evading the economic recessions, as biofuels are cheaper to produce and the raw materials are readily available (Bacon, 2004). However, amid the negative effects of recent economic trends on Walgreens Pharmacy, there are a number of positive impacts as well, for instance, with globalization, the urge to spend among consumers increased. Consequently, today more people are wiling to spend than early in the century, when fear of inflation made people hang on to whatever minimal finances they had. Similarly, international clients are on the rise, as they have an opportunity to purchase Walgreens Pharmacy products online cheaply than in their own countries, thus boosting business for the firm (Krugman, 2009). Walgreens Pharmacy could adapt strategies, such as utilizing their online shop as a platform to increase online sales, especially to countries that are less faced by recession. Similarly, venturing into the global market could be an opportunity to beat recession as the rate of inflation is varied between countries, as some are better cushioned to handle the predicament. Furthermore online trading is cheaper in terms of operational costs as well as being more efficient in delivery of services (Bacon, 2004). The other positive impact of the recent economic trends is that most of the Walgreens Pharmacy rivals have succumbed to the negative impacts hence withdrawn from business. Consequently, their customers have moved on to Walgreens Pharmacy hence increased the market share of the firm. This move has resulted into Walgreens Pharmacy developing more custom made drugs that are of high quality so as to retain all the customers who are loyal to its products (Hollensen, 2011). Tactics by Walgreens Pharmacy to Achieve its Objectives Walgreens Pharmacy has been able to sustain its high performance over the years due to its ability to seize opportunities and utilize their rivals weaknesses to move their business operations to the next level (Krugman, 2009). One such opportunity is concerned with negative controversies among opponents, which were paramount towards building its own reputation, therefore wining over more clients who were seeking a non-controversial pharmacy. Other tactics that have been used to Walgreens Pharmacy advantage include building a stable local market first before venturing into the global market. Such strategies enable a firm to have a solid foundation, which can fully support the local ddrugstores hence reducing any chance of collapse. Consequently, the ability of Walgreens Pharmacy to identify threats on its way and work towards using them as opportunities to forge forwards has been critical in attainment of its objectives. This is because Walgreens Pharmacy has not had any recurrent risky undertakings over the years as the majority of its investments have successfully sailed through (Krugman, 2009). Another vital lesson learnt from Walgreens Pharmacy, which has been used as a strategy is abiding to the governments policies and guidelines. This way, the corporate image of the company is positively portrayed, while customers develop a sense of belonging to the firm. Trust and loyalty of products is attained this way as customers always want to be associated with successful firms that are operating legally under the given jurisdiction. Similarly, customer satisfaction and efficient delivery of services has been used as a strategy towards attaining the short and long term objectives of Walgreens Pharmacy (Hollensen, 2011). The Role of Human Resources Management towards Attainment of Walgreens Pharmacy Objectives The human resources department is vital in any organization, as the activities of this department can boost failure or success of the entire firm. For instance, it is in the human resources department that new employees are hired and trained to deliver services to clients so that only competent candidates are hired. Over the recent years, top personnel at Walgreens Pharmacy have been hired solely on grounds of familiarity and knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry. This could be one of the reasons as to why Walgreens Pharmacy has consistently posted positive growth, as the human resources department ensures that only the right people are in the right places (Seymour, 2003). The other role played by the human resources department towards attainment of Walgreens Pharmacy objectives is in ensuring that employees are adequately motivated and aware of their responsibilities. Motivated staff and energetic as well as eager to deliver services efficiently hence customers are satisfied by the time they complete their transactions. Motivation can either be attained through appreciation or creating a favorable working atmosphere, which positively contributes towards productivity of the employees go a long way towards enhancing employee retention. Similarly, research has shown that employee retention is directly responsible for attainment or failure to attain the set objectives by the firm (Seymour, 2003). The human resources department is also responsible for rewarding exemplar performances by their employees, which is one way of motivating employees. Consequently, a low staff turnover creates a positive impression among customers, as they can create personal relationships with individual employees who will be in constant touch. This increases customer loyalty as the longer an employee works for Walgreens Pharmacy, the more referrals they are likely to get owing to social marketing from existing clients (Hollensen, 2011). Based on the above in depth business analysis of Walgreens Pharmacy, I would most probably invest in the firm as it portrays a future that is brighter than the past. This is a company that is inclined towards succeeding regardless of prevailing conditions thus making it a profitable venture to invest in. Walgreens Pharmacy has been able to adapt to changes in the economy as well as challenges resulting from recession and increased manpower issues. However, the ability of Walgreens Pharmacy to attain its objectives is attributed to embracing strategies that have made it gain competitive advantage over its rivals. It is significant to note, that most of the strategies are identified by use of the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis. The greatest strength, however, lies in management and employee competence, which has played major roles towards ensuring that Walgreens Pharmacy customers acquire high quality services efficiently. In conclusion, Walgreens Pharmacy has been able to retain its market position amid challenges, because its financial health has been blooming as its rivals dwindle in financial problems. The finances of any given firm are critical in determining their ability to meet targets and objectives as all of them require financial investments. The bu siness analysis of Walgreens Pharmacy portrays a profitable and solid firm, whose future is assured so that any potential investor should not think twice about owning part of this drugstore. Buy custom Domestic Drugstore essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Media Bias Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media Bias - Research Paper Example The first step in challenging biased news coverage is documenting bias. Here are some questions to ask yourself about newspaper, TV and radio news (Thiere 50). Political coverage often focuses on how issues affect politicians or corporate executives rather than those directly affected by the issue. For example, many stories on parental notification of abortion emphasized the "tough choice" confronting male politicians while quoting no women under 18--those with the most at stake in the debate. Economics coverage usually looks at how events impact stockholders rather than workers or consumers (Thiere 50). [The bias] is not the result of a vast left-wing conspiracy [there is] an unconscious â€Å"groupthink† mentality that taints news coverage and allows only one side of a debate to receive a fair hearing. When that happens, the truth suffers. A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you read, listen to and watch news stories, you probably already notice stories that you think are biased. To see if they really are biased, you need to determine if the story falls into at least one of the several forms in which bias oc curs (Fahri). There are several types of bias. To start with is bias by omission: For every news story that is selected, there are many others that are left out. Do the news stories you see show a balanced view of real life? What are the characteristics they have in common? (e.g., are they mostly about violence, famous people, and wealth?) Do some news sources include items that are ignored by others? (Fahri) The other form of bias is bias by emphasis: What stories are on the front page or â€Å"at the top of the hour?† Which stories get the largest headlines or the first and longest coverage on TV or radio? Consider how this placement influences people’s sense of what is important. Bias by use of languages when the use of labels such as â€Å"terrorist,† â€Å"revolutionary,† or â€Å"freedom fighter†

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis of Korean Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Analysis of Korean Culture - Essay Example The beer was given a look of a woman while tiger never succeeded due to lack of patience. The background of the story was to give the origin of the leadership of Korea. The book Samguk Yusa: legends and history of the three kingdoms of ancient Korea is a collection of various histories of the three monarchies of Korea who were Silla, Paekche, and Koguryo. The author is a fresh fiction writer. One of his most famous books is â€Å"The Great Divorce.† She lives in New York. She is also a holder of humanities from Yale College and a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University. In this story, the Korean leader is believed to have descended from heaven. The gods from the place of sunrise were responsible for the leadership choice. This choice was through a test of patience where the beer was more tolerant and patient than the tiger. The gods required fair leadership so the whole process of leadership choice was necessary. Considering the evolution of the human leader nature of origin, the leader was godly given. The whole of these steps of attaining leadership made the leader acceptable. The book is a fairy tale collection of the beliefs concerning leadership in Korea in relation to other regions in the east including China. These stories were made to help the children have a positive view of the leaders. On the other hand, it is a religious book in that it tells more on prayer and its effect. The power of prayer in this story helps in attaining the desired status. This book is also historical to some extent. It teaches on the history of the leadership and the entire eastern regional religion, as the gods were believed to be in the Chinese Mountains (Ilyon 2006). The composer of the story is well versed with the child’s psychology. The composer puts the story down in a chronological order thus making it easy to understand. Viewing of leadership as a divine provision is a character that makes the story more acceptable and interesting.  Ã‚  

No topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

No topic - Research Paper Example â€Å"Doctrine of conditioned genesis â€Å"articulates that nothing appears independently in the actual sense but rather everything links to the other in different perspectives. Understanding this doctrine proves essential in pursuing liberation, in that someone refers to the basics that everything appears in a cycle (interdependently), whereby everything occurs because of a cause and triggers effect (Montalvo 51). The doctrine operates on a conditionality principle, usually given in four statements, that shows the interconnection in life. This principle gains further elaboration via twelve aspects, whereby each triggers effect in the other and thus explaining the idea about relativity. Lao Tsu poses logical answers to political questions that many leaders and persons display in their living via his poems. Lao Tsu expounds that running of the best country would occur when the leader lays his trust upon the citizens (Tzu & Tom 11). This would then explain that the citizens withhold love for their leader opposed to fearing. Lao also articulates that leaders constituted in the best countries instill freedom upon people rather than posing restrictions unto them or being dishonest. Lao further states that countries should exhibit peaceful relations with each other and evade wars at all possible ways unless it proves inevitable (Tzu & Tom 15). However, in case of wars, Lao dictates that countries should never undertake arms, but if inevitable, should utilize them with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Movie on Social Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie on Social Network - Essay Example Facebook is one of the most leading social networking websites. According to a survey it has more than 800 million active members. But the Facebook did not come from thin air like that. In fact the idea evolved from Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook. On October 2003, Mark Zuckerberg while attending Harvard as an undergraduate made this site in which pictures of girls from the nine houses, placing two next to each other were compared as hot or not. However, authorities took notice and Mark was charged for violating rules and breaching security. But this incident gave Mark his first recognition. Though initially promising his expert programming skills in making a social network to his seniors, Mark changed his mind. And with the help of his friends especially Eduardo Saverin , who was the co founder and did the initial investment, launched â€Å"The FACEBOOK†. During the course time Mark met the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who advised him on various matters. And in summer 2004, base of operations was shifted to California Investors like Peter Theil from PayPal invested in and THE FACEBOOK became FACEBOOK. By that time it had over 300,000 members, 160 schools including 5 in Europe. Various features like relationship status, nonstop server, tagging pictures and the â€Å"wall† were introduced. At this time shares were allotted, Mark 51%, Eduardo 34.4%, and Sean7 % and so on. Later Eduardo 34.4%, were diluted to0 .03% and was thrown out of the company as more companies were coming in, and Sean became the President of the company (Fincher, 2010). Celebrating their millionth member party Sean was caught by the cops on using drugs. At that point, the seniors from Harvard had filed a case in the federal court against the facebook, and claimed that it was initially their idea. Eventually, they received settlement money and signed a non

The Right job for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Right job for me - Essay Example From their appearance to the content of the lecture, everything makes a lot of difference and is very important. As teachers deliver lectures on daily basis, they develop a lot of confidence and high self-esteem. This enables them to easily address large audiences at any platform. Teaching instills confidence in an individual. Another very important benefit of being a teacher is that an individual happens to constantly increase his/her knowledge. While teaching, an individual happens to strengthen his/her own concepts. Questions raised by the students help a teacher realize even those aspects of the subject matter that he/she might not have understood on his/her own. Discussion with the students helps the teacher discover new aspects and understand the topic in detail. Teachers develop a very special bond and rapport with the students. Teachers love and care for their students like their own children. Taking all these factors into consideration, teaching can be considered as a profes sion that is emotionally rewarding, psychologically satisfying, and financially rewarding. According to Crawford, â€Å"a good job requires a field of action where you can put your best capacities to work and see an effect in the world. Academic credentials do not guarantee this" (Crawford cited in Bruner) I agree to this perception because academic credentials do not necessarily provide an accurate description of an individual’s skills, competencies, and capabilities. Academic credentials are just as reliable as the educational system. In-depth analysis of the educational systems of a vast majority of the countries in the world suggests that there are many flaws in the educational system. Students’ skills and knowledge is assessed by means of assignments, projects, quizzes, class tests, and exams. While in many cases, students that work hard manage to score more marks in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Movie on Social Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie on Social Network - Essay Example Facebook is one of the most leading social networking websites. According to a survey it has more than 800 million active members. But the Facebook did not come from thin air like that. In fact the idea evolved from Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook. On October 2003, Mark Zuckerberg while attending Harvard as an undergraduate made this site in which pictures of girls from the nine houses, placing two next to each other were compared as hot or not. However, authorities took notice and Mark was charged for violating rules and breaching security. But this incident gave Mark his first recognition. Though initially promising his expert programming skills in making a social network to his seniors, Mark changed his mind. And with the help of his friends especially Eduardo Saverin , who was the co founder and did the initial investment, launched â€Å"The FACEBOOK†. During the course time Mark met the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who advised him on various matters. And in summer 2004, base of operations was shifted to California Investors like Peter Theil from PayPal invested in and THE FACEBOOK became FACEBOOK. By that time it had over 300,000 members, 160 schools including 5 in Europe. Various features like relationship status, nonstop server, tagging pictures and the â€Å"wall† were introduced. At this time shares were allotted, Mark 51%, Eduardo 34.4%, and Sean7 % and so on. Later Eduardo 34.4%, were diluted to0 .03% and was thrown out of the company as more companies were coming in, and Sean became the President of the company (Fincher, 2010). Celebrating their millionth member party Sean was caught by the cops on using drugs. At that point, the seniors from Harvard had filed a case in the federal court against the facebook, and claimed that it was initially their idea. Eventually, they received settlement money and signed a non

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reflection paper - Characteristics & Support of Effective Coaching & Essay

Reflection paper - Characteristics & Support of Effective Coaching & Mentoring - Essay Example First, the team members expect that the coach should be objective and have positive criticism. This expectation requires that their coach is able to give constructive criticism to the members regarding their performance during the training, as well as being able to point out and acknowledge the positive aspects of the trainees (Knight, 2008). This is vital, since it enables the team members to know the truth regarding their performance, in terms of where they are doing well, and where they need changes and improvements, without frustrating or even killing their morale. The other expectation that the participants have regarding their coach’s characteristic is that; the coach should be readily available. This means that the coaches should avail themselves whenever the team members need them, or be available to the team members, whenever they make appointments with them. For the coaching to be effective, the relationship between the coaches and their team members who they are tra ining should be that of partners (Knight, 2002). This is because, individuals feel valued and appreciated, whenever they treated as equals, as opposed to being treated as subordinates, or even being dominated over by others, regardless of their position in the chain of command. Thus, to make the coaching more effective, the trainees require to have the freedom to make choices regarding certain aspects of the coaching, and requires the coach to honor their choices, being a partner to the coaching exercise (Knight, 2008). This way, the members of the team being coached requires the coach to be available when they need him, or whenever they make an appointment with the coach. This is also aligned with the principle of punctuality as one of the expectations that the participants would expect their coach to have. The participants in the coaching sessions expect that the coach will be available in good time, when they set such time. The availability and the punctuality of the coach are th e two characteristics that are fundamental for effective coaching, since they go a long way in enhancing the trust that the team members will have on their coach (Knight, 2008). The other important expectation that the participants have regarding the characteristics of the coach is that; the coach should be knowledgeable in the subject matter. There is nothing that commands respect and trust more, than an individuals’ competency and demonstrated knowledge and ability in the field of specialization of the individuals. Thus it is through being highly knowledgeable in the subject matter, that a coach is able to win the trust of the participants, since they have the comfort that they are gaining the best (Lipton & Wellman, n.d.). This motivates the individuals to be even more enthusiastic and committed to learning, considering that they have the belief that they are achieving the best. However, the most significant expectation of the participants regarding the characteristics of the coach is that the coach will have good listening skills, and thus be able to give them positive emotional support. Listening skills are vital for coaching, considering that they enable the coach to learn the team members, including their strengths and weaknesses, and thus enable the coach

Samsung Group Essay Example for Free

Samsung Group Essay The name â€Å"Samsung† according to the founder of the group Lee Byung Chull a migrant of a large land owning family in Uiryeong county to a city called Daegu where he founded Samsung Sanghoe explained that it means â€Å"tristars† or â€Å"three stars†; the word â€Å"three† represents something big, numerous and powerful. The â€Å"stars† represent â€Å"eternity†. Samsung has undergone lots transformation before being the giant Samsung it is today and it has proven to withstand the test of time where most Asian companies have dissolved during the Asian financial crisis. Its first product was a black-and-white television set. In the 50’s, when the Korean War broke out; Lee was forced to leave Seoul and start a sugar refinery in Busan[-gt;1] named Cheil Jedang[-gt;2]. After the war, in 1954, Lee founded Cheil Mojik and built the plant in Chimsan-dong, Daegu. It was the largest woollen mill ever in the country and the company took on the aspect of a major company. After the founders death in 1987, Samsung Group was separated into four business groups – Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Shinsegae (discount store, department store) was originally part of Samsung Group, separated in the 1990s from the Samsung Group along with CJ Group (Food/Chemicals/Entertainment/logistics) and the Hansol Group (Paper/Telecom). Today these separated groups are independent and they are not part of or connected to the Samsung Group. In the 1980s, Samsung Electronics began to invest heavily in research and development, investments that were pivotal in pushing the company to the forefront of the global electronics industry. Our main purpose in this section is to declare what kind of tools we are going to use to analyze the competitive advantage of one of Samsung Group’s subsidiaries – Samsung Electronics. Any company in the business world would want to maintain and achieve competitive advantage if it intends to really survive the scheme of its rivals. One of these ways is to conduct a strategic analysis of the company. This enables us to adjust and monitor the position of the company, exploit new opportunities, and prepare for rainy days. There is one way of doing that- conducting a strategic evaluation of the company. According to Peter Drucker â€Å"unless strategy evaluation is performed seriously and systematically, and unless strategists are willing to act on the results, energy will be used up defending yesterday. No one will have the time, resources, or will to work on exploiting today, let alone to work on making tomorrow†. In other words, strategic evaluation gives the company a feel of or connection to the business environment it is operating in. Strategic evaluation is vital to the organization’s well being. Strategic evaluation includes three basic activities: examining the underlying basis of a firm’s strategy, comparing expected results with actual results, and taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans. Samsung Electronics is the worlds largest mobile phone maker[-gt;8] by 2011 unit sales and worlds second-largest semiconductor chip maker[-;gt;9] by 2011 revenues (after Intel Corporation[-;gt;10]). It has been the worlds largest television manufacturer[-gt;11] since 2006 and the worlds largest maker of LCD panels for eight consecutive years. It has the largest market share worldwide in memory chips[-;gt;12]. The company is the worlds largest vendor of smart phones[-gt;13] since 2011. Samsung has also established a prominent position in the tablet computer[-gt;14] market, with the release of the Android[-gt;15]-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab[-gt;16]. This section of the paper is meant to access and assess the strategies they have been applying since their existence and to advise them on the strategic options available to them now and in the future. In this paper we would use the following analyses: SWOT analyses, PEST analyses, Porter’s Five Forces, Strategic Group and the VRIO model analyses. SWOT is the acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding the business in its environment. In other words, it guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside and outside your organization. SWOT analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific business model that will best align an organization’s resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. In other words, it is the foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the likely opportunities and threats from the external environment. The strength and weaknesses give you an insight of your internal advantages relative to other companies and disadvantages relative to other companies, in other words, it measures the competitive advantage. They are usually the factors that you have control over. The opportunities and threats are considered to be the external factors that you have no control over; it could be technological change, legislation, socio-cultural change, etc. The opportunities and threats give you an insight of the factors that the organization can exploit to it advantages and the factors that could cause trouble for the business. Pestel is an acronym for political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal analysis. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management.  ·Political factors are basically to what degree the government intervenes in the economy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Building Relationships when Working with Children

Building Relationships when Working with Children Neringa Bagdonaite CONTENT PAGE ASSESSMENT: BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS TASK Summarise the current legal requirements for those working with children. This should include references to the 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. Page 2 Explain what is meant by respecting and valuing individuality, and devise a plan of how this can be implement in the child care setting. A table format may be used for this task. Page 4 Evaluate the benefits of consistency with regard to positive and negative behaviour, and identify strategies that can be used to encourage positive behaviour in the child care setting. Page 6 Describe the process involved in managing conflict between children and adults. You should refer to at least one behavioural theorist in your answer. Page 8 Answer to task 1) The Childcare Act was introduced on 11 July 2006. The act requires specific powers and duties of local authorities in England. These duties are: Provide adequate information for parents. To improve the outcomes of children aged 0-5 Provide information and training for childcare providers. Local authorities must work with NHS and Job centre partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to 5. The Children Act 2004 sets a duty to make certain that every child would have the support they need to: be healthy stay safe enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution to society achieve economic well-being. The Act has certain requirements that childcare providers will need to meet: welfare, learning, development. The requirements are set down in the Ofsted publication â€Å"Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage†. (Ref 1) Childcare providers must guide the development of children’s capabilities with a view to ensuring that children in their care complete the EYFS ready to benefit fully from the opportunities ahead of them. accessed 26/05/12 The Early years Foundation Stage learning and development requirements comprise: The assessment schedule must be arranged for children to establish their achievements. the early learning goals, such as the knowledge, skills and understanding. The educational programmes. These are the learning goals: Communication, language and literacy. Children are extending thier vocabulary, learning to speak correctly using words to construct sentence, learning to write and read accurately. Children must be given access to range of books, poems, and other written materials. Child care providers must give encouragement to children to use their skills in varios situations. It helps develop confidence. Physical development. Children must be involved in activities that develop their co-ordination, control and movement, and understand factors which lead into healthy lifestyle. Children must be supported in using all their senses to learn about the world. Personal, social and emotional development. These goals are helping children develop a positive sense of themselves and others, positive relationship, respect others, manage their feelings and understand appropriate behaviour and positive disposition to learn. Childcare providers should help children to know themselves and what they can do. Mathematics. Children should develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers from 1-9, calculating simple addition and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures. Knowledge and Understanding the world. Children will develop the knowledge; skills and understanding that will help them make sense of the world. They will learn of people, plants, and environment. Creative development. Children are involved in dancing, music, art, play. It provides opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings. (Ref 2) Answer to task 2) The child has to know that they have values and should treasure them. Parent and childcare providers must start teaching children about respect and valuing individuality from early age. Children like to observe adults and see them as an example the way they deal in certain situation. Childcare providers and parents should show children that they respect individuality, feelings, views, ideas and culture. We have different cultural backgrounds and it is important to teach children how to celebrate them. (Ref 3) Indoor and outdoor playtime, individual and group learning encourage children to respect themselves and others. Children will naturally respect those who use their influence in encouraging ways, helping them to learn and grow in safe surroundings. Children who feel valued growing up confident, it helps them to achieve goals in their lives. Good way for children to respect each other to use reward system. Respecting and valuing individuality plan Friendship Friendship is an important part of child development from birth. Friendship is a source of fun. Children give and receive practical help and emotional support. Understanding feeling Children experiencing wide range of feeling and learning to understand them with help from adults. Every child is valued and differences are appreciated, everyone feels included and understood. Communication A welcoming atmosphere creates effective communication. Effective communication flows information and knowledge. All communication is important (gesture, signs and body language). Posters and pictures are helping children and families recognise that they are valued. Learning Children have a lot to learn from adults. It is important to review child’s progress regularly and contribute with their learning. Effective practice Encourage children to use greetings. All children receive a friendly welcome. Display list of the words that are used at home in their language. Positive interaction Building respectful and caring relationship with children. Respond appropriately to encourage curiosity in learning. Discover what children like to do. Effective teaching Help children to learn as a result they make connections in learning. Support and extend each child’s learning. Provide children with challenges. Teach them not to fear failure and be confident. Listening to children Young children and babies with speech delays communicate in other ways. Children need time to respond, childcare provider must encourage their thinking. Reflecting on practice To show children that childcare provider is pleased to see them every day. Get to know children and build positive relationship. Secure attachment Childcare provider helps children become familiar with setting and make them feel secure. When children feel happy they are confident and like to explore new things. Independence When children depend on adults for reassurance and comfort they become independent. Children are less independent in new situations, they can be unwell and anxious. (Ref4) Answer to task 3) Positive child behaviour can be promoted by using certain plan. It will teach what good behaviour is and how to reach it. Positive behaviour can be achieved working together with children and maintaining sensible expectations. Children behave differently depending on their age and surroundings. Childcare provider and parents must teach children that for negative behaviour there is negative consequence. Some forms of behaviour are acceptable while others are not. Learning to manage behaviour can be as easy as A B C Antecedent – what happens before the behaviour occurs. Behaviour – resulting behaviour is either acceptable or unacceptable. Consequence – results of behaviour can be positive or negative. accessed 18/07/12 Using positive and negative reinforcement are two ways to help children to identify good behavior and understand what is appropriate in certain situations. Any type of reward increasing childs positive behaviour. Rewards tempt child to do their task more regularly and on time. There are some strategies that can be used: Children should experience the logical consequences and actions. Children need guidance to understand positive behaviour. Teach children the concept of self-control. Rules and the reasons should be explained. Some behaviour should be ignored. Children should be congratulated for good behaviour. Teaching children new skill and behaviour. Children must learn that they will not achieve things by being selfish, destructive and angry. (Ref5) Negative behaviour is one of the worst things that parent and childcare provider can experience. Childs negative behaviour can’t be ignored, because sometimes it can cause unwanted trouble. One type of the negative behaviour is aggression. Child can be angry, sometimes yell, refuse to listen and can be driven by his own thoughts. Other type of negative behaviour is passiveness. Children remain silent and ignorant in all situations and don’t show any effort to respond. Usually children behave like this when they have something to hide from adults. It is important to understand the cause of the problem and explain why something is wrong. Children should understand that to repeat the same behaviour is wrong. Children should understand what means â€Å"no†. Every day routine can help improve positive behaviour. For example: teaching good manners when having meals, gathering everyone to the table and have food, being polite, teaching good hygiene habits. Every parent and childcare providers main goal should be to teach children how to develop self-discipline, responsibility and humanity for others. Childcare provider can make behaviour plan: Make a list of desirable behaviour that children need to learn. Make a list of undesirable behaviour that child may demonstrate. Make a list of privileges that child can earn reward. Answer to task 4) Conflict can occur between children or children and adults every day and most adults and children experience stress. †The parent-child relationship is one of the longest lasting social ties human beings establish, said Kira Birditt, lead author of the study and a researcher at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. accessed Parents and childcare providers are facing many challenges when raising children. It is very important that children would grow happy, safe and would be able to deal with the conflicts in non-violent ways. Solving the conflict can help child develop emotionally. Usually conflicts are seen as negative behaviour. Childcare providers and parents should teach children to manage conflicts and if it’s possible to stay neutral. Sometimes when conflict arise childcare provider and parent can listen and offer support. (Ref 6) Children have different personalities and temperament and when facing the conflict have varying reactions: Some children become angry when it comes to disagreement. It is important to help manage aggression. Some children can be bossy. Some children back down then it comes to the conflict, because they don’t want to upset anyone. It is important to help them to learn to speak up. Learning principles Many researches are carried out regarding conflicts. They believe that conflicts help develop major life skills. Theorist Piaget believed that conflict in children was healthy, and if worked through, would help children to overcome their egocentric thought patterns (Arsenio Cooperman, 1996). Erikson believed that life was full of conflict and in order to become a better person, one must resolve the conflict in each stage of life (Trawick-Smith, 2003). Vygotsky saw conflict as a learning experience. He believed that children, if in their zone of proximal development, would learn from the conflict and adult models to function better in social contexts. Looking at the beliefs of all of these well known theorists, one gets the feeling that conflict is a positive, healthy part of a child’s life. accessed Researches show a difference between boys and girls and that they have different type of conflicts. It states that young children are more likely to have conflicts than older and that girls react to words while boys react with actions. There are some causes of conflict: Young children have difficulty sharing their things. Lack of communication skills When children are tired Attention seeking children Cultural differences Opinions are not matching Competitiveness Jealousy Punishment is not good way to deal with conflict. It can be painful and create fear and not change child’s behaviour. Adults need to be positive example for their children in handling conflict, smooth the progress of the conflict between children and interfere when children conflict becomes violent. Reference Ref1 accessed Ref 2 accessed Ref3 accessed Ref4 accessed Ref5 accessed Ref6 accessed

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Malta: A Small country With Tourism and Potential Essay -- Islands, Eu

Located in the midst of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta was committed to becoming a unique tourism destination. The country and its sister islands, Gozo and Comino, offer an extensive range of characteristics, making the destination a memorable experience. From the surrounded location of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, to the ancient sites and some of Europe’s best-known diving experiences, Malta gains tourists from around the world. With a sophisticated background, Malta strategically promotes their Maltese tourism in other countries. It remains a quiet island in the Mediterranean, but constantly depends on other countries to help bring in tourism. The tourism industry plays an important role in Malta’s economy; however, a constant dependency on other countries draws a concern. Overall, although Malta is one of the smallest southern European countries, it is large in character and the future of its tourism is just beginning. Established only60 miles from Sicily and 180 miles from the African Continent, the Maltese Islands hold a range of characteristics. (Travel Away) Multiple qualities of this distinctive country help gain tourism each year. Tourists are mainly attracted to the historical, seaside and educational aspects of the islands. (Merrien) However, it also holds high-class hotel and food industries, which helps attract over a million tourists every year. (Waller) This popular, yet small island, measuring 17-miles long, and 9-miles wide, contains a population of some of the friendliest and most sophisticated 345,000 natives. (Malta - Home) Surrounded by beautiful beaches throughout Malta, the oldest known human structures in the world still stand in great condition, right beside medieval castles, nearly 400 churches and ... ...Merrien, Nathalie. What Are the Strategies Deployed in Malta to Develop Its Tourism Industry? Universite Angers, 2013. Web. 2014. Waller, Neil. "Malta Top 10 Attractions." - My Destination Malta. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Malta, A Sophisticated Cultural Destination." Travel Away. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Malta - Home." Malta - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Visit Malta." News RSS 20. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Fortina Spa Resort Malta - 5 Star Hotel in Sliema Malta." Fortina Spa Resort Malta - 5 Star Hotel in Sliema Malta. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Expat Focus." Malta. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Malta Food and Wine." Wineries in Malta. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "New Transport Service between Malta and Sicily." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Marketing Malta to Different Segments: How Medical Tourism Fits within MTA's Marketing Strategy. N.p.: n.p., 2011. PDF.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

feel safer now :: essays research papers

Feel Safer Now? 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order for organizations to function, there must be a free flow of information. This is a complex process, which becomes even more complicated when information is expected to flow freely from one government agency to another. This is the difficulty which plagued US agencies in the events leading up to September 11th. There were several sources of breakdowns in information present before the attacks in New York.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the large breakdowns in information was due to information overload. There are many agencies in the states which involve national safety, such as the FBI, CIA, NSA and DAINS. Each agency possesses vast amounts of information and it was difficult for the bureaucracies to decipher which information was credible and important from information that was inconsequential and trivial.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Insufficient amounts of information and inadequate flow of information strongly affected information sharing among agencies. First, each agency had different methods and rules for doing business. Because of this information was not uniformly documented or organized. This caused trouble when it came to relaying facts and suspicions to a different agency. Secondly, the agencies sabotaged adequate flows of information by being incredibly secretive with their own knowledge. Information was not easily or willingly shared between the agencies. Next, the agencies all had critical information about the pilots of the planes which crashed into the Trade Center but failed to adequately communicate their information. The NSA and CIA both held valuable pieces of the puzzle in catching Nawaf al-Hazmi but failed to piece them together to actually realize he was a threat. Lastly, because the FBI was only responsible for crimes already committed, information was not passed on from the CIA regarding al-Hazmi’s link to al-Qaida. These are all severe negative results from a system breakdown due to insufficient and inadequate flow of information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Errors also occurred due to interpretation of information. The text states that written messages are more ambiguous and make differences in interpretation much more likely. A written request for a search warrant for a presumed hijacker (Moussaou) was sent to the US national security court. The writers of the request failed to include valuable French reports connecting Moussaou to al-Qaida. Another interpretation of data error was incredibly blatant. NSA intercepted a conversation in Arabic and failed to translate it. This missed message spoke of a â€Å"big event† planned for September 11th. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of the errors leading to September 11th were those which seem to be errors in hindsight.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Can biology learning process be improved through language

This action research aimed to better the acquisition and instruction of biological science at Form III degree by bettering the linguistic communication literacy of the pupils. The survey was both qualitative and quantitative as both attacks were related to each other for breath and deepness of analysis, which helped in the bite of information. In this chapter on methodological analysis I explain why action research was the best pick harmonizing to me, what were the analysis processes, ethical considerations, cogency, dependability and reflexiveness. The definition of an Action Research and the model of the Action Research survey, dwelling of planning, moving, detecting and reflecting are besides discussed. 3.1 Research paradigms The intent of this research is to better Biology instruction and larning through linguistic communication literacy. In order to make up one's mind which research methods to utilize it is of import to hold a expression at different research theoretical accounts. Research workers have assorted positions about the universe and hence, utilize different logics and techniques to look into it. Consequently there have been two chief viing theoretical accounts which have evolved: the rationalist besides called quantitative paradigm and the interpretative besides known as the qualitative paradigm ( Hammersley & A ; Atkinson, 1997 ; Bassey, 1995 ) . A paradigm can be defined as â€Å" a basic belief system or universe position that guides the probe † ( Guba & A ; Lincoln, 1994, p.105 in Denzin & A ; Lincoln, 2000 ) . The following efforts to cast some visible radiation on the rationalist and interpretative paradigms.3.1.1 The rationalist paradigmThe rationalist is linked with a world â⠂¬Ëœout there ‘ in the universe that exists whether or non, irrespective of who observes. Harmonizing to Cohen et Al. ( 2000 ) , â€Å" The ontological and epistemic footing of positivism is a belief in a individual independently bing world that can be accessed by research workers following an objectivist attack to the acquisition of cognition. † The research worker and the object of research are assumed to be independent entities. The rationalist can analyze the object without act uponing it or being influenced by it. Whenever any influence is recognized, schemes are adopted to command it. The methodological analysis of the rationalist paradigm is based on the theoretical account of the societal scientific disciplines. The perceiver is separate from the entities that are capable to observation ( Bassey, 1999 ; Silverman, 2000 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Opie ( 2004 ) , â€Å" taking a rationalist attack to educational research will about surely lead to processs, which result in the aggregation of quantitative informations and proving hypotheses, such as informations from questionnaires and difficult facts from experimental work. † The rationalists do non take into account their values. They carefully manipulate variables to forestall outcomes from being improperly influenced.3.1.2 The interpretative paradigmWorld is seen as a concept of a human head in the interpretative paradigm. Peoples perceive and so interpret the universe in ways, which are frequently similar, but non needfully the same. The interpretative paradigm is qualitative. This paradigm is conce rned with significances and the manner people understand things and forms of behaviours ( Denscome, 1998 ) . As Blaikie ( 2000 ) provinces in Mason, J. ( 2002, pp 56 ) Interpretivists are concerned with understanding the societal universe people have produced and which they reproduce through their continuing activities. This mundane world consists of the significances and readings given by the societal histrions to their actions, other people ‘s actions, societal state of affairss and natural and humanly created objects. † ( 2000: 115 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Mason, J. ( 2002, pp 56 ) , â€Å" interpretative attacks, nevertheless, is that they see people, and their readings, perceptual experiences, significances and apprehensions, as the primary informations beginnings. Interpretivism does non hold to trust on â€Å" entire submergence in a scene ‘ hence, and can happily back up a survey which uses interview. † The interpretative research worker has a detailed, rich and empathetic description, written straight and slightly informally ( Bassey, 1995 ) .3.1.3 Research paradigm for my researchHarmonizing to Grim et Al ( 2006 ) the divide between quantitative and qualitative societal methodological analysiss is so dramatic. A semi quanti-qualitative research I believe suited me best. For the intents of this survey, foremost of all the qualitative attack was adopted because it is in line with the thought of Creswell who states that the end of qualitative research â€Å" is to trust every bit much as possible on the participants ‘ positions of the state of affairs being studied † ( Creswell 2003, p. 8 ) . . Furthermore, this method was chosen because the research worker ‘s function will be that of a non-participant perceiver. Interviews, group treatments, observation and contemplation field notes, research journal, and analysis of paperss were done. The quantitative processs on the other manus were besides used for illustration through questionnaires in my methodological analysis.3.2 Action researchAction research is a procedure in which participants examine their ain educational pattern consistently and carefully, utilizing the techniques of research. It is based on the undermentioned premises: aˆ? Teachers work best on jobs they have identified for themselves aˆ? Teachers go more effectual when encouraged to analyze and measure their ain work and so see ways of working otherwise aˆ? Working with co-workers helps instructors in their professional development ( Watts, 1985, p. 118 ) . Implicit in the term action research is the thought that it begins with a rhythm of presenting inquiries, garnering informations, contemplation, and make up one's minding on a class of action. Typically, action research is undertaken in a school scene. It is a brooding procedure that allows for enquiry and treatment as constituents of the â€Å" research. † Frequently, action research is a collaborative activity seeking for solutions to jobs experienced in schools, or looking for ways to better direction and increase pupil accomplishment. Rather than covering with the theoretical, action research allows practicians to turn to those concerns that are closest to them, 1s over which they can exhibit some influence and do alteration. Furthermore, the procedure of action research assists pedagogues in measuring demands, documenting the stairss of enquiry, analysing informations, and doing informed determinations that can take to coveted results. Action research involves a self-reflective spiral of planning, moving, detecting, reflecting and re-planning. It provides flexibility well-suited to altering state of affairss due to its cyclic or coiling procedure. Within each rhythm there is action followed by critical contemplation. Stairss in Action Research Within all the definitions of action research, there are four basic subjects: authorization of participants, coaction through engagement, acquisition of cognition, and societal alteration. In carry oning action research, we construction modus operandis for uninterrupted confrontation with informations on the wellness of a school community. These modus operandis are slackly guided by motion through five stages of enquiry: 1. Designation of job country 2. Collection and organisation of informations 3. Interpretation of informations 4. Action based on informations 5. Contemplation ( Ferrance, E. 2000, p.6 ) I have chosen to make action research because it is a brooding probe of a problem.A The procedure will get down with the development of inquiries, which will be answered by the aggregation of informations. I will roll up informations, analyze, and construe all the consequences. Furthermore, I adopted the action research theoretical account because it is simple, systematic, and comparatively easy to utilize in the schoolroom, but most of all, appropriate for my research rubric. This theoretical account besides provides me with the chance to analyze and reflect on my instruction schemes and manners in an effort to increase linguistic communication literacy among my signifier 3 pupils in the acquisition of biological science every bit good as bettering my ain pattern and hence, lending to my ain uninterrupted professional development. There are several qualities of action research which allow it to prosecute strict apprehension: The engagement of all interested parties provides more information about the state of affairsA ACritical contemplation in each rhythm provides many opportunities to rectify mistakes. This is particularly so when there are rhythms within rhythms within rhythms, and where the critical contemplation is characterised by a vigorous hunt for disconfirming groundsA AWithin each rhythm the premises underlying the programs are tested in action.3.3 Research rhythmsA normally known rhythm is that of the influential theoretical account of Kemmis and McTaggart ( 1988 ) who believe in – program, act, observe, reflect ; and so, in the visible radiation of this, program for the following rhythm. It is the cyclic nature of action research, which allows responsiveness.A To my head, a cyclic procedure is of import because it gives more opportunities to larn from experience if there is existent contemplation on the procedure and on the results, intended and unintended. Furthermore, Action researc h allows us the chance to determine and polish our ain instruction and to construct on our ain successes. The process for this research will be chiefly learner centered, where the pupils will larn by making.3.4 Research InstrumentsThis subdivision contains description on how I conducted my research, with peculiar accent on research instruments. These are important in the procedure of roll uping information to reply the research inquiries and/or confirm or reject premises. There are different types of informations aggregation instruments, each with its ain specific properties, thereby geting specific utilizations. In this peculiar research, the observation agenda, research journal, equal observations, artifacts, and concentrate groups were used as instruments to roll up informations, in an effort to depict to the full and every bit amply as possible, whether the acquisition and instruction of biological science improved through linguistic communication literacy.3.4.1Observation agend aA really common method of research instrument is called observation agenda. In this instance the research worker has the function of non-participant perceiver. Non-participant observation involves the research worker acquiring into state of affairss where behaviour, interactions, and so on can be observed at first manus ( Harvey & A ; Mc Donald, 1993 ) . I undertook this method and walked about, casually, at the location to be researched, at a good clip to carry on research. The principle for utilizing observation as a tool for informations aggregation was to measure the pupils ‘ public presentation and how they reacted to assorted schemes. Furthermore, this research instrument was used because it normally collects really dependable, high-quality informations, and is regarded as being a cost effectual method of carry oning research. A big sum of information could besides be gathered in a short clip. As Cohen et Al ( 2000, pp 305 ) says, ‘Observation enables research workers to understand the context of programmes, to be open-ended and inductive, to see things that might otherwise be unconsciously missed, to detect things that participants might non freely speak about in interview state of affairss, to travel beyond perception-based informations and to entree personal-knowledge. ‘ Furthermore, as Cohen et Al ( 2000, pp 315 ) provinces, â€Å" Observation methods are powerful tools for deriving penetration into state of affairss. As with other informations aggregation techniques, they are beset by issues of cogency and dependability. Even low illation observation, is itself extremely selective, merely as perceptual experience is selective. † Furthermore, the covert engagement observation was used ( that is where the research worker does non uncover the grounds of her observation ) during normal biological science categories to cut down the component of prejudice to bring forth more dependable and valid information. This was done to decrease the incidence of the presence of the research worker to impact the behaviour of the pupils under survey. I wanted all the participants to act usually although they were expected to pass on merely in English linguistic communication every bit far as possible. In footings of cogency besides, experimental research findings are considered strong. Trochim ( 2000 ) states that cogency is the best available estimate to the truth of a given proposition, illation, or decision. Harmonizing to him, experimental research findings are considered strong in cogency because the research worker is able to roll up in depth information about a peculiar behavior and the usage of multiple beginnings of in formation helps increase cogency. observationStructured observations utilizing checklists coupled with a evaluation graduated table was used during the survey. The checklists allowed me to corroborate if a pre-specified behaviour was present. The usage of a checklist besides allows to concentrate on the precise facets of behavior to be analysed and circumvents a superficial overview of the schoolroom kineticss ( Macintyre, 2000 ) . Informal observationInformal observations were planned when transporting out the assorted lessons so as to enter information in a methodical manner in the research journal. This allows for contemplation on the troubles encountered and the behaviour of pupils.3.4.2 InterviewsHarmonizing to Freebody, P. ( 2003, p 137 ) , â€Å" Interviewing is best understood as an interactive event in which members of a civilization draw on and reconstruct their shared cultural cognition, including their cognition about how members-of-their-certain -kinds routinely speak in such scenes. † Informal interviews were carried out with the focal point group pupils. The feedback obtained from the interview was most constructive because the pupils were critical and had a different perceptual experience of the instruction and larning procedures from that of the instructor. They were a really enriching beginning of information because it was the pupils ‘ voice could be heard. The informal interviews were besides really valuable because they provided instant feedbacks on the research procedure, and helpful suggestions for betterment.3.4.3 QuestionnairesStudents questionnaires ( See Appendix **** ) were designed to assist the instructor research worker on her pattern and to inform her on future work. of questionnaire3.4.3.2Questionnaire design3.4.3.3Pre-test of questionnaire3.4.4 Research journalThe instrument I used to enter observations was a research journal. For each observation, the day of the month, clip, continuance, and description of information s observed were written. I jotted down notes in a journal that served as memory assistance and afterwards every bit shortly as possible full field notes were constructed. ( Hoepfl, 1997 ) .3.4.5 Peer observationsA co-worker from the Biology section was asked to go to some of the Sessionss and to observe down his observation in a checklist that was provided to him. He was asked to look for direction of resources, direction of clip, whether the aims of the lesson was met, schoolroom direction, and category engagement ( Refer to peer checklist in appendix **** ) . This instrument was used to triangulate informations and to formalize the action research.3.4.6 ArtifactsStudent ‘s books and work were collected for rating. For this intent, I designed a marker strategy, establishing on which I have judged the quality of work of the pupils. The taging strategy consisted of different standards. Each standard was allocated 4 Markss, giving a sum of 20 Markss. These tonss were so compared to estimate any betterment or advancement in pupils ‘ public presentation. ( Refer to appendix ****** for a sample of the taging strategy )3.4.7 Focus GroupsA focal point group is another first-class type of informations aggregation instrument, which has specific features, properties, and uses. Focus groups are meetings affecting groups of persons who have been selected by the research worker, who are peculiarly observed for the specific research subject. In this regard, frequent meetings were organised affecting the nine pupils who were observed for the research. Through these meetings, I tried to happen out from pupils if the schemes that were employed in the lessons were making all the pupils. It was after run intoing the pupils that I could acquire a better penetration on the activities to transport out to better the authorship of pupils.3.4.8 Critical friends3.5 SamplingSampling is important for analysis. For the intent of this thesis, I carried out purposive sampling. H ence, I chose a purposive sample of 30 % of 27 pupils in a signifier 3 category where I work. This sampling is representative of the mark population. The pupils are of low ability but among them, there are some pupils who tend to make better than the others. Hence, for trying, 30 % of the population was chosen stand foring a figure of 9 pupils. I sampled them as follows ; three high winners, three norm and three low winners. However, I would wish to indicate out here that when I refer to high achiever and low winner, it is non in its actual sense because all the pupils are of low ability. Here, high winner refers to those pupils who ever come out foremost, 2nd and 3rd in the tests and low winner refers to those who tend to be ranked among the last in the category.3.6 Student ‘s ProfileThe population of involvement for this survey consist of 27 pupils ( aged 14-15 ) in a signifier III category of a miss ‘s urban secondary school. The pupils joined the college with really hapless C.P.E. consequences. The pedagogues have to work hard with these pupils to do them come out with winging colorss in the S.C. test. The bulk of them belong to below middle-class households. This peculiar category was selected because it is the lone signifier three category where I work.3.7 TriangulationHarmonizing to Silverman ( 2008 ) triangulation is a research scheme whose major premise is that sociological research is a find procedure designed to acquire an nonsubjective truth that may be systematized as a formal theory of societal construction and procedure. It assumes that looking at an object fro more than one point of view provides research workers and theoreticians with more comprehensive cognition about the object. Furthermore, harmonizing to Freeman, D ( 1998, pg 96 ) , â€Å" triangulation is about what makes something hardy, able to back up its won weight, and hence reliable. Triangulation information beginnings are a affair of where you acquire your information ; triangulation aggregation methods are affair of changing the ways in which you gather that information. † Therefore, to minimise defects for the action research, I made usage of cross- scrutiny as an of import manner of look intoing that the grounds collected is every bit accurate as possible. The assorted research instruments used helped in triangulating informations and render the undertaking strong in footings of cogency and dependability. The triangulation method used as informations aggregation ( Figure aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ) provided a step of cogency affecting the assemblage of informations from three different points of positions, viz. , that of the instructor, the pupils and a participant perceiver. Direct Teacher Observation Using a Checklist DATA COLLECTING TOOLS Participant Observation/Peer Validation Student Questionnaires Informal InterviewsFigureaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . : The program for Triangulation Data Collection during the survey.Validity and dependabilityAs Silverman ( 1998 ) in Freebody, P. ( 2003, p 168 ) , â€Å" qualitative research workers in instruction demand to take earnestly the demands for dependability and cogency. † Denscombe, M. ( 1998, pg 85 ) , â€Å" Sing things from different position and the chance to confirm findings can heighten the cogency of the informations. They do non turn out that the research worker has ‘got it right ‘ , but they do give some assurance that the significance of the information has some consistence across methods. † As Silverman ( 1998 ) in Freebody, P. ( 2003, p. 168 ) , reveals qualitative research workers in instruction demand to take earnestly the demands for dependability and cogency. And harmonizing to Bassey ( 1999, p. 75 ) , dependability is the extent to which a research fact or determination can be repeated, given the same fortunes, and cogency is the extent to which a research fact or determination is what it is claimed to be. Furthermore, Kirk and Miller ( 1986 pp 20 ) define dependability as ‘the grade to which the determination is independent of inadvertent fortunes of the research ‘ . Furthermore, Silverman ( 2001, pp207-208 ) points out that look intoing the dependability is closely related to guaranting the quality of field notes. My research survey involved both qualitative and quantitative informations. The qualitative and quantitative researches seek for both dependability and cogency to supply a agency of garnering informations. Denscombe ( 1998, p. 85 ) , points out seeing things from different position and the chance to confirm findings can heighten the cogency of the information. The writer besides reveals that they do non turn out that the research worker has ‘got it right ‘ , but they do give some assurance that the significance of the information has some consistence across methods. This was done by the usage of the triangulation to back up the truth of the information gathered during my survey. The triangulation method used as informations aggregation provided a step of cogency affecting the assemblage of informations from different points of positions, viz. the pedagogues, students and co-workers.3.9 ReflexivityCarr and Kemmis ( 1986 ) commented reflexiveness as being: â€Å" Social life is automatic ; that is, it has the capacity to alter as our cognition and thought alterations, therefore making new signifiers of societal life which can, in their bend, be reconstructed. Social and educational theories must get by with this reflexiveness ; the ‘truths ‘ they tell must be seen as replies to peculiar inquiries asked in the rational context of a peculiar clip. † Carr and Kemmis ( 1986, p. 43 ) In connexion to my research undertaking, I applied reflexiveness by tie ining my research with all those concern viz. the school where I am working, my co-workers and the pupils involved in the survey. It was really of import for me to obtain informations, whether quantitative or qualitative, which are reliable to the research I am undergoing. I made it really clear to all those concerned that the research I am making will be good to the school, to the pupils and others pedagogues in this field of survey and last but non least to assist me in my professional development in being an pedagogue.3.10 Boundary lines and Restrictions3.11. Ethical considerationsAs Watt ( 1995, p. 1 ) mentioned, run intoing ethical standards leads non merely to a comparatively clear research scruples but to better research. Indeed Bassey ( 1999, p. 73 ) further refer research moralss under three headers: regard for democracy, regard for truth and regard for individuals. I conducted my survey following the re gulations of educational moralss. In order to keep rigorous ethical criterions to transport out the research, it was of import that I follow an established ethical guideline. So, at the really beginning of the research, the name of the school where the survey was carried out was non mentioned for the interest of confidentiality. Before get downing my research, I seeked the permission and credence of the Rector of my school ( Refer to appendixaˆÂ ¦. ) . The curate was informed about my research, its purpose, the agencies of roll uping the information and the deductions of the survey for the schools, my section and the students. A missive was addressed to the parents through the selected students to corroborate engagement in the survey. I wanted the participants to be in a place to give informed consent ( Cohen et al. , 2000 ) sing their engagement in the research. The pupils were informed about the intent and purpose of the survey and that they will be chosen as a sample to tran sport out a survey.The individuality of all participants was protected and anonyms were used in the thesis for confidentiality. The mark group was made cognizant that their work was being observed for the intent of research. The pupils were told that their work would be taken as artifacts and whatever observation would be made, would stay confidential, and in no manner be used against them. No parent and pupil had any expostulation.3.12 DecisionAn action research is the best-organized procedure of happening solutions to jobs through a planned and systematic aggregation, analysis, and reading of informations. Therefore, through this action research, I want to portion my cognition and experience about the betterment of instruction and acquisition of biological science through linguistic communication literacy, to fellow co-workers involved in the educational field.